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Telekom Slovenije and partners present study results on the potential of 5G technology for greater connectivity and safety in road traffic between Slovenia and the Italian region Friuli-Venezia Giulia

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Telekom Slovenije and its partners presented the results of a study that was conducted as part of the European project 5G-SITACOR. The study focuses on utilising the potential of 5G technology to develop infrastructures for greater road traffic safety between Slovenia and Italy. The main goal was to assess the technical requirements for the comprehensive establishment of the Mediterranean and Baltic-Adriatic road corridors, with special emphasis on cross-border sections between Italian Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Slovenia.

In this project consortium partners analysed and aligned 5G infrastructure with the existing network capacities of the Mediterranean and Baltic-Adriatic TEN-T road corridors. The study focused on the strategic TEN-T corridors in Friuli-Venezia Giulia and western Slovenia, specifically from Udine to Palmanova, from Latisana through the Fernetti border crossing to Sežana, and from Koper through Divača to Postojna. In total, these corridors cover more than 200 kilometres of roads (147 in Italy and 128 in Slovenia).

Based on the results obtained, the study identified the optimum ways to use 5G technology for smart traffic infrastructure, including connected and automated traffic, road traffic safety (eCall), improved traffic information flow, and management of traffic flows in domestic and cross-border traffic. Smart traffic infrastructure will contribute to more efficient use of existing resources, traffic optimization, greater energy efficiency, and reduced CO2 emissions. The partners also examined the broader societal impacts of smart traffic infrastructure and synergies in logistics, smart factories, smart cities, e-mobility, e-health, digital transformation, and sustainability.

The study lays the foundation for the continued development of networks and services in mobility and cross-border connectivity in road traffic. The 5G-SITACOR project aims to enhance traffic infrastructure by deploying advanced 5G networks along road corridors. This will improve road traffic safety and flow, as well as communication between stakeholders, including traffic operators, vehicles, and smart traffic devices. The study especially focused on efficient management of private 5G mobile networks connected to the public mobile network, which paves the way for the development of numerous smart digital solutions.

The 5G-SITACOR project consortium consists of partners from Slovenia and Italy: the Autonomous Region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia), the University of Trieste, the Italian national road operator ANAS, the road operator Autostrade Alto Adriatico, Retelit, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Ljubljana, the Motorway Company of the Republic of Slovenia (DARS), Port of Koper, and Telekom Slovenije.

"Telekom Slovenije participated in the project by developing a comprehensive network plan and technical solutions that support efficient and reliable implementation of 5G infrastructure. With our expertise and experience, we helped define the key requirements for establishing high-performance network infrastructure that will support advanced digital services on road corridors. 5G technology makes it possible for us to ensure faster and more reliable communication needed for smart traffic management. The latest technology also allows the development of new digital solutions, further improving cross-border connectivity. Telekom Slovenije will continue to actively participate in developmental projects that promote digital transformation and connect regions of the European Union," said Vesna Prodnik, a member of the Management Board of Telekom Slovenije, at the presentation of the study.

The 5G-SITACOR study is the digital part of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEFDigital) and was one of four studies on 5G cross-border corridors (5G CORRIDORS-STUDIES) that were launched in 2023 and 2024. The study on the implementation of 5G on the cross-border sections of the Mediterranean and Baltic-Adriatic TEN-T corridors between Italy and Slovenia explored and detailed the issues to such an extent that the deployment of pilot networks is already feasible, and planned for the next phase.